Recently I had 2 dreams on the same night with the same meaning which indicates that it’s important enough for Holy Spirit to repeat it. It’s like the teacher saying, “Let me repeat that for you so you don’t miss it”.
1st dream: I walking along my path when Holy Spirit prompted me to lighten my load by throwing stuff away. I dropped items on the path and kicked them out of the way so no one coming after me would trip on them.
2nd dream: I was cleaning out a closet when I found old skeleton bones in a zip lock bag. I threw it in the trash. I found a pack of erasers. The pack had been opened indicating that some of the erasers had been used. I put the unused ones where I could find them when I need them. I threw out more stuff, finished the closet, tied up the trash bag, and got rid of it.
The interpretations:
1st dream:
1. My path – God has a plan for each of us, a path we are to follow.
2. Lighten my load – Don’t carry around stuff of the past like hurts, disappointments, failures, …
3. Dropkick – Don’t just drop them. Kick them off the path & out of the way.
4. Generational issues – People coming after me along the same path points to the generations following after me. Deal with the stuff appropriately so your children & grandchildren don’t trip over the issues of the past.
2nd dream:
1. Clean out the closet – Do a thorough soul cleaning. Ask Holy Spirit to help you find any skeletons (issues from past generations). Deal with it and throw it out so that generations following you don’t have to handle it.
2. Erasers – Allow the blood of Jesus to erase the past. Agree with His blood – your past is forgiven and you are cleansed from sin. Any sin, personal or generational, that you repent of is erased by that precious blood.
3. Erasers – Use the erasers yourself. Erase/forgive any and all offenses. Forgive yourself too. Forgive yourself for failures. Forgive God for disappointing you.
4. Erasers – Keep erasers handy so you can forgive quickly. Storing the offense in the closet to deal with later is not acceptable.
5. Clean slate – Once the sins are erased, Jesus has a clean slate to write His story of your life.
6. Thorough cleaning – Be sure to throw out all the old stuff. These things will be a hindrance and not conducive to the plans that Jesus has for you.
The Lord spoke to my spirit: Admonish them to:
Throw it out! I don’t want you carrying this stuff around anymore. It hinders your progress. It hinders the establishing of My Kingdom in your life. Just let it go.
Erase, erase, erase! It’s time for a clean slate. Let Me write the words of your life.
Erase, erase, erase! Use your eraser liberally. Forgive others & yourself quickly.
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