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I Will Open the Eyes of the Blind

Writer: Debbie WeltyDebbie Welty

Prophetic Word

Debbie Welty

April 26, 2021

I saw metaphorical blizzard-like conditions, a sandstorm blowing across the horizon. Dense fog where it is impossible to see the path, to see the way out, to see the way forward.

Still, even in their blindness, some sang out: "Even when I can't see it, He's working". They did not just sing the words of a song. They made a decree from their spirits; they engaged their faith.

Because they decreed with faith from their spirit, I am about to open their eyes to see. They will see what others cannot see. This level of seeing comes only from obtaining a heavenly perspective and requires sitting with Me in heavenly places. They will be able to lead others forward in the blizzard because they will see into the blizzard. They will see My hand staging and rearranging. They will successfully lead My people forward in the sandstorm because they will see into the sandstorm. They will see Me pulling down lofty things, stripping them of power and dominion. The fog will not hinder them from leading people into victory because they will see into the fog. They will not only see angelic activity but they will also see the fourth man among them.

Those whom I have chosen to lead forward in this hour will do so with eyes that see. They will not lead as the Pharisees who were like the blind leading the blind. I am increasing the measure of discernment among My chosen leaders. These are the ones who do not compromise with the truth but walk in My ways and obey Me without hesitation. They will find themselves judging My house and keeping My courts (Zechariah 3:7). Yes, they will host My presence, My mighty presence which will convict, save, heal, and deliver instantly. My chosen will lead with the eyes of the Spirit, even the seven eyes of God (Zechariah 3:9; Isaiah 11:2):

1. The Spirit of the Lord

2. The Spirit of Wisdom

3. The Spirit of Understanding

4. The Spirit of Counsel

5. The Spirit of Might

6. The Spirit of Knowledge

7. The Spirit of the Fear of the Lord

When the blizzard ceases, the sandstorm settles, and fog lifts, ALL will see what the Lord has done. Some will say how did this happen in such gross darkness. The answer will be,

"It happened by the Spirit of the Lord".


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