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Investment Gains

Writer: Debbie WeltyDebbie Welty

After the presidential election and swearing-in, people became excited about the stock market and the possibilities of big investment returns. President Trump said in his inaugural address, “Drill, baby, drill!” Those drilling rigs and the manpower will be costly. Investing in drilling will bring forth a harvest of prosperity. $$$ MONEY!


On inauguration day (after watching it), the Lord impressed on my heart that it is time for the Church/Ekklesia to make investments. We have been praying to the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into the harvest. We have been praying for revival and the harvest of souls. We’ve put our mouth to it (in prayer). Now it’s time to put our money where our mouth is. Churches need to invest money in their communities. Let me explain.


Think about farmers. They invest personal labor and money into their harvest. Seed is purchased at the local feed and seed. Fertilizer is needed. Perhaps they buy it from the same feed and seed or barter with a neighbor with livestock. The water bill must be paid to keep their ground moist. Even property tax must be paid. When it’s time to harvest their crop, they hire help to bring it in. Often, they rent heavy equipment for the task. Farming requires labor but it also costs money. Both are necessary to reap a harvest.


My grandparents had a small 30-acre farm. As a child, I remember harvest time. Workers and heavy equipment would appear. A semi pulling 3 or 4 trailers for the harvest to be dumped into also appeared. The semi would pull the load into town where it was weighed, its value was calculated, and the return on the farmer’s investments became tangible. All of this had to have cost my grandparents considerable money. The investment was necessary to reap the harvest.


I live in North Carolina where Hurricane Heleen left many people homeless, carless, clothesless, and hopeless. Many lost their loved ones. Immediately after the storm, Churches stepped up to help by providing meals and clothes for those in need. Larger churches provided showers and a means to do laundry. That’s investing in your community. 


However, the Church stepped back into the shadows as the government became active. Sadly, we are 3 months post-Heleen and many people are still living in tents, still wondering where their next meal will come from, and still struggling in ways we cannot imagine. It’s been below-freezing here in NC for several days. I guess the government has and is doing all they can do. 


I believe now is the time for churches to step up and invest in their community. Your community may not have suffered loss from Heleen or the devastating fires like California. But there is a need. Find out what the need is and spend some money to meet it. Let’s invest into the harvest of souls and revival.


“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where 

thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, 

there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:19-21).


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