Last week the written Word became a prophetic Word for my family. I share this because this is a word that you can stand on too.
In my daily reading, I read 2 Kings 3. I knew in my spirit that God wanted me to stand on this Word for a family member. Several days later, I received a text from them asking me to pray. I had already been praying so these words came out of my mouth:
Prepare for provision!
Prepare for victory!
This situation will work out in your favor.
It's a light thing for God to do this for you.
Scriptural context:
2 kings (one evil in the sight of the Lord & one who did right in the sight of the Lord)
join forces against their enemy.
There was a drought in the land when these 2 kings (along with their armies and livestock) had to travel 7 days to engage the enemy. It was a long hard journey and they were weak with thirst. The evil king began to complain loudly that the Lord had brought them here to deliver them into the hands of the enemy. The good king called for a prophet of the Lord to see what he would say about their predicament.
Enters Elisha, the prophet. First, he addresses evil king Jehoram, rebuking him and telling him that he is not worth Elisha's time. Next, Elisha expresses regard for king Jehosaphat (the king who did right in the sight of the Lord). Elisha tells everyone present that it is on behalf of Jehosaphat alone that Elisha is there to bring the word of the Lord.
Elisha instructs them to dig ditches, lots of ditches. He tells them that they won't see wind or rain. They won't see a storm. They won't see the provision of water but it will surely come. He told them the ditches would be full of water, enough for them and their livestock.
Elisha told them "this is but a light thing in the sight of the Lord", for He will also deliver the enemy into your hands.
Your battle could be about your future, your marriage, a wayward child, or something to do with a situation where you work. Perhaps, your battle is all about financial lack. Possibly it's been a long exhausting journey or season that you have faced this enemy. You are growing weary.
Maybe you received a bad report from a doctor about your health or the health of a loved one. Do not expect or prepare for the worst.
I believe by the Spirit of the Lord that you should dig ditches, lots of ditches.
Prepare for His provision!
Prepare for victory!
How do I know this is for you? You are like king Jehosaphat, the good king. You would not be reading this unless you were honoring God with your life. Jehosaphat called for a prophet to inquire of the Lord. God is pleased that you seek Him and seek truth. Therefore, God has regard for you. He sees your situation, He sees your weariness and He says:
Prepare for provision!
Prepare for victory!
Prepare for God's favor and
goodness to come through for you.
Digging ditches is a call to faith. They dug ditches even though no rain clouds were on the horizon. Wind and rain are both symbolic of the Holy Spirit. The passage is saying, "Even though you do not sense my Spirit moving in your life, even though you see no evidence of answered prayers, trust Me to provide in a way that will cause you to wonder, to marvel". He calls these "wonders" just a light thing.
Hebraic word study: "light thing" - slight, trifling, of little account yet swift-moving.
Did you catch that?
It's nothing for Him to do this for you
and to do it very quickly, like a suddenly.
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