Dream: A karaoke machine was delivered. I began singing with the karaoke machine. Talk about an awesome time; I was having a blast! People started to join me. Pretty soon we were acting like we were drunk. Just singing and singing. There was such freedom and joy!
The last word of a particular song came up on the screen and as I sang the word "enthroned", suddenly the karaoke machine became the Bible. I was singing scripture!

The interpretation of the dream is pretty obvious, but Holy Spirit gave me a little more understanding than I thought was coming. This is the download He gave me:
Holy Spirit is inviting us to a massive Karaoke Party. This is an event that is being held in multiple locations all over the world. There is a screen in heaven that is showcasing each location where a karaoke party is taking place. People are singing His Word as worship. They're getting drunk on the wine of the Spirit. Father God is being "enthroned" on their praise. His glory on and in the earth is becoming greater and greater.
I went to the book of Psalm, knowing that many of them are songs of praise. Please do the same. Turn off the streaming music for a little while. Open your Bible and begin to sing straight out of His Word. There is such power, authority, and truth in His Word. Just take a Psalm and personalize it out loud in praise to God. It will bless you!!! It will encourage you!!! It will put a smile on your face and joy in your heart!!! It will not only change the atmosphere, but it will also change you and accomplish what He sent it to do. His Word will not return void (Isaiah 55:11).
If you prefer electronic text (an online Bible) to the actual book, some of my favorite Psalms are linked below. Perhaps, click into one a day and have a
Holy Ghost Karaoke Praise Party.
All of heaven will be watching.
Don't stop now. Find some Psalms of worship on your own and keep the party going.
To visit Debbie's website, go to https://www.debbiewelty-blog.com
To read more of Debbie's blogs, go to https://www.debbiewelty-blog.com/blog
Instagram: mountaintop-manna
Facebook: Mountaintop Manna with Debbie Welty