This blog was birth from meditating on a verse that my pastor shared this morning:
"Instead, let judgment run down as a flood,
and righteousness as a mighty river."
Amos 5:24
As I pondered these mighty heavenly waters, I began to see landslides across the USA.
I decree:
Landslide victory for Trump.
Landslide victory in the reversal of Roe vs Wade.
Landslide victory for the Church.
Landslide of repentance and revival.
Landslide exposure of corruption.
Landslide fall of the wicked (those who refuse to repent).
My admonishment for all believers is to worship, pray, and decree.
AND do not forget to repent for your sins!!!
The mighty heavenly waters are coming.
Earlier this week, I heard the Lord say, "Laundry day is coming." We all know that laundry day involves water and washing away the filth. I believe that this also points to Amos' heavenly waters sent to cleanse and renew our land. I shared this with my son who said the Lord had him praying Deuteronomy 32:39-43 over our nation. Verse 43:
"...He will repay those who hate Him,
and cleanse His people's land"
Let your heart be encouraged. He has heard our prayers of repentance and is about to cleanse our land. This will involve exposing the "money changers" or those who finance evil.
One more decree:
Landslide exposure of those financing evil.
The Greatest Romance
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The Greatest Romance is a 10-week devotional style Bible study on The Song of Solomon. Verse by verse, all the symbolism (sexual and otherwise) is unlocked enabling you to understand this mystifying book and apply it to your relationship with Jesus.
You will discover:
The Savior's deep love and longing for you
Your true value
Freedom from generational issues
How you look in the realm of the spirit
What hinders your intimacy with Him
How to reach your destiny
The true purpose of The Song of Solomon
And much more.
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