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Lion & Honey Dream

Updated: Feb 28, 2022

Dream (Feb 9, 2022): I saw a lion, a full-size lion. He was laying down licking honey off his paws and purring quite loudly.

I prayed into this dream for 3 weeks, seeking the Lord for its message. Finally, I heard Him say this to my spirit:

You are about to step into the promise land. Your promises will be under your feet. They will be yours to enjoy. Those who have been boldly making decrees, roaring them like a lion despite circumstances and opposition are about to find themselves walking right into their promise land (the promise land flowed with milk & honey). The promises will stick to them.

I got this download when I was on my way to our weekly prayer meeting. I charged into that meeting like a lion and immediately shared the dream along with the interpretation. I asked if they could bear witness to the interpretation. One lady testified, "It's right on! I have the confirmation." She went on to share that her very large dog, Enoch (a giant schnauzer), got the honey crock off the kitchen counter, took it through his doggie door, and had his way with it. She did not discover his thievery until later when he was laying in the living room licking his paws. Upon further investigation, she discovered he had honey all over him and her honey crock was in the yard. Enock could not be bothered with her scolding as he was enjoying licking the honey from his paws. This incident with Enoch happened a couple of days before I shared the dream with them.

That's all the confirmation I needed. Get ready for a breakthrough! Your persistence is about to pay off. Keep roaring your decrees. Take hold of those promises with your mouth (like Enoch did) and you will soon be covered with the manifestation of them.

Because honey is found in the promise land and because I have been praying and decreeing the Word of God over our land (nation, government) for quite some time, I am expecting to see and be personally blessed by GOD things (pulldowns, turn arounds, setups, & exposures) happening in our land.

Honey can also point to revelation. Revelation, great & mighty things that are unknown, will become known. Those who have boldly prayed for truth and decreed truth will flow in greater revelation in the days to come. Like the lion with honey on its paws, they will take it where ever they go, leaving a sweet trail that will lure others into a relationship with God.


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