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Blog: Blog2

Manufacturer’s Warranty

Recently, as I was praying with a lady about a knee replacement when the Lord spoke to my spirit, “Manufacturer’s warranty.” I thanked our Creator that this lady was fearfully and wonderfully made. I thanked Him for creating all her parts to last her lifetime and then I invoked the manufacturer’s warranty regarding her knees.

Another sister shared that she'd just had her transmission replaced that week and that the manufacturer’s warranty covered it. That was a confirmation! Praise God!

The sister who had her transmission replaced had to take her vehicle to the dealership, prove that she had purchased the manufacturer’s warranty, and expect them to replace the transmission. She had to leave the vehicle at the dealership so they could repair the transmission.

Father God is reminding us that we have a manufacturer’s warranty on all our body parts. The warranty was paid for by Jesus. “By His stripes, we were healed” (Isaiah 53:5, 1 Peter 2:24).

Before following through with any surgery, take the situation to the CREATOR (manufacturer) and present the manufacturer’s warranty to God. Point out that the warranty was paid in full by Jesus and by faith expect a miracle. Leave the situation in His faithful, loving, capable hands.

Our Creator is just waiting on us to come to Him in faith. Faith in the warranty (His Word). Faith in the finished work of Christ. Jesus said, “It is finished” (John 19:30). Faith in the Father's heart to do this for us (Exodus 15:26, Psalm 103:3).


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