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May I Have This Dance?

Writer: Debbie WeltyDebbie Welty

After a time of prayer, I was just lingering and waiting in His presence when ...

Jesus asked me, "May I have this dance?"

I was so awestruck and befuddled that I stuttered, "uh, yes".

We started to dance and Jesus said very kindly, "You need to let me lead".

Embarrassed, I responded, "I'm sorry. Of course, I want You to lead. I will follow."

We started over.

I've been obsessed with hearing His voice lately, so I positioned my ear right next to His lips thinking I want to catch every word He says. He repositioned my ear on His chest, next to His heart. He told me, "Just rest your head against me. I've got this. Lean into me and trust me to get you there. Enjoy the dance. I'll see to it that you don't miss anything."

What an experience!!!!! I want to give you an accurate picture of what was happening. I never got up from my sitting position but in the realm of the spirit, I was dancing with Jesus. It was very real!

The next day I was listening to a Bill Johnson sermon. He mentioned a verse about "waiting" on the Lord from Isaiah 30:18. He said the Hebrew word for "wait" means to twist, whirl or dance. Suddenly I understood that Jesus asked me to dance because I waiting before Him.

"...The Lord is still waiting

to show His favor to you

so He can show you His marvelous love. He waits to be gracious to you. He sits on His throne

ready to show mercy to you. For Yahweh is the Lord of justice, faithful to keep His promises. Overwhelmed with bliss are all

who will entwine their hearts in Him, waiting for Him to help them."

Isaiah 30:18 Passion Translation

"Overwhelmed with bliss" just about sums it up. I couldn't help but think of this song:

"Dance with Me, Oh Lover of My Soul" by Paul Wilber.

I encourage you to start waiting on Him. Just worshipfully linger in His presence. It's awkward at first but He will meet you there in that time of waiting and He may even ask you to dance.

This is Rachael (my daughter) dancing with Daniel (her husband) at their wedding. If you look behind them on the left, you can see Brent & I sitting at a table. I am holding grandbaby Erin. Behind us, you can see Freida and Carlyle. On the right is Daniel's dad, Doug Bullins.


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