Dream: I saw an orange trashcan just outside my bedroom window. My heavenly Father told me the trashcan holds tossed out dreams. We are to get those dreams out of the trash and pursue them. He said "pursue them" 3 times! The third time, He said, "Pursue them with all your heart." He reminded me that He put those dreams in our hearts.
"Delight thyself also in the Lord;
and He will give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your ways unto the Lord;
trust also in Him;
and He will bring it to pass."
Psalm 37:4&5
Father told me He put those desires within us so that we would walk according to His plans. He said, "My Word is sure! My plans for you are sure! They will come to pass.
I am working behind the scenes on your behalf, but I need you to stay on track."
He warned me, "Distractions and discouragements will try to get you off track."
Sometimes, these dreams are strong desires to do something big. They have probably been in your heart for years. God put them there. The enemy tells you to give up on them. He convinces you that you could never do that. He gives pretty convincing reasons too. These big dreams often end up in the symbolic trashcan. Discarded.
"Do all that is in your heart,
for God is with you."
1 Chronicles 17:2
Other times, the dreams of the heart come in the night, literally in dream form. These are also from God. They are also opposed by the enemy. God shows us important things when we are asleep. He wants to teach you to steward the night dreams that you have. Some people immediately discard a night dream. Others eventually discard them because they have not learned how to press into His presence for interpretation. If you worship-fully ask and then listen for His answer, He will usually show you what the dream means.
"For God speaks once, yea twice,
yet man does not perceive it.
In a dream, in a vision of the night,
when deep sleep falls upon men,
in slumber upon their bed;
Then He opens the ears of men,
and seals their instructions."
Job 33:14-16
It's humbling to dig through the trash, but that's what God is asking us to do.
Get those discarded dreams out of the trash.
Pursue, pursue, pursue them with all your heart.
God is trying to bring you into your destiny.
Why the trashcan was orange?
Orange gets your attention.
Something orange screams look at me.
The screaming message is "Look at your dreams!"
The color orange is associated with the season of harvest.
God wants us to harvest our dreams.
"This is the season to harvest your dreams." WOW!
Orange represents perseverance, persistence and endurance.
All necessary in achieving your dreams.
Orange is associated with creativity. Use creativity to pursue your dreams.
You were made in the image of the Creator. That makes you creative.
Orange is associated with joy. Joy will come when your dream is fulfilled.
Step out in faith and go for it. You may hit some walls or rough spots along the way, but keep pursuing your dreams. God is with you. He loves it when you step out in faith, believing that with Him all things are possible. When you step out in faith, you are positioned for success. You give God an opportunity to grant favor, open doors, and bless your efforts.
To read more blogs by Debbie Welty, go to https://www.debbiewelty-blog.com/blog
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