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Blog: Blog2

Ordering From The To-Go Menu

Writer: Debbie WeltyDebbie Welty

Dream: I'm at a high-end restaurant. It's very upscale, very ritzy. The to-go menu is placed in front of me. I thought, "Oh, I guess I'm placing a to-go order". I'm amazed at the choices that I have to choose from. "What shall I order?"

I wake up and immediately hear Father say,

"Order infirmity to go!"

At any high-end restaurant, they will cater to my desire. Whatever I order from their to-go menu, will be what I leave with. They will honor my choice. Their reputation depends on it.

Like a menu, life is full of choices. Jesus came that we might have abundant life. Through Him, we are offered so many wonderful things like joy, peace, forgiveness, rest, healing, victory, freedom, favor... In scripture, we are literally to told to choose life or death, blessings or curses. God said,

"I call heaven and earth

to witness against you today:

I place before you life and death,

blessings and curses.

Choose life (choose blessings),

that both you and your children will live".

Deuteronomy 30:19

Menus often list things in categories like:

Appetizers Salads Entrees Deserts

In the realm of the spirit, there is a menu.

It offers things in 4 categories:

Life Death Blessings Curses

I can choose to put up with things like infirmity, disease, oppression, depression, & poverty.

I can learn to cope with it and live around it. Or, I can order it to go. I get to choose.

I choose life. Hallelujah, in Jesus' name I choose health and healing. I order infirmity to go in Jesus' name. Infirmity, go! In Jesus's name "GO". I don't choose you. I choose life and health.

My choice will be honored. The reputation of Jesus and His word guarantee that my choice will be honored. I love Him so much!

"The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy;

I came that you might have and enjoy life,

and have it in abundance."

John 10:10

"might have" - because you have to choose it, you have to declare your choice.

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2 commentaires

Debbie Welty
Debbie Welty
11 nov. 2019

Thank you, Julie. It's a truth that has changed my life. I choose!


28 oct. 2019

This is right on! Excellent word and I needed it.

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