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Blog: Blog2

Paper Shredder

Writer: Debbie WeltyDebbie Welty

Updated: Feb 17, 2020

Vision: I saw a paper shredder and even heard the sound of it shredding page after page.

I heard the Lord say,

"Going into 2020, it's imperative that my people:

Shred preconceived ideas.

Shred unhealthy mindsets.

Shred the files of the past.

I am going to do a new thing that you have never imagined. Old mindsets will hinder you from entering into the plans I have for you."

"No eye has seen,

no ear has heard,

no mind has conceived

what God has prepared

for those who love Him"

1 Corinthians 2:9

Father told me: "In the new year, those who shred preconceived ideas, old mindsets and the files of the past will have 2020 vision in the realm of the spirit. You will see clearer and farther than ever before. You will walk in greater faith and a greater anointing will be upon you. Doors will open that you never imagined".

Dear readers, I know you are going to do what I'm doing. I'm shredding, shredding, shredding. I want God's best plans for me. I'm asking Holy Spirit to reveal the preconceived ideas. As He reveals stubborn mindsets, in the shredder they go. It's a pleasure to shred the files of the past. I absolutely do not want any hindrance.

My prayer:

Holy Spirit, search my mind and my heart. Show me what needs to go into the shredder. Give me grace to let go of these wrong mindsets. As I shred these things, it's my desire that You do a supernatural work in my thinking. I long for the mind of Christ! Thank you for the plans you have for me. I say "Yes" to those plans. I willingly shred preconceived ideas, old mindsets, and the files of the past. Thank you for doing more than I could ever ask or think!

I am excited about 2020!!!


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2 comentários

Debbie Welty
Debbie Welty
29 de dez. de 2019

Thank you, trmorg9!

God bless you in 2020!


28 de dez. de 2019

Amen, love this!!💕

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