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Blog: Blog2

Play Ball!

Dream: I was outside playing ball with some children. We kept kicking or throwing the ball but always overthrew or underthrew it, making the intended recipient run for it. So much time was wasted. Our game had no structure, no purpose, and seemed frustrating for most of us.

Interpretation: The ball represents the gospel, the sharing of our faith. It's time to be focused, intentional, and deliberate about sharing our faith.

Sports analogy: The clock is running out, the score is tied, and I have the ball. The pressure is on to make the play count.

The Lord has given each one of us at least one spiritual gift. These spiritual gifts are called gifts of the Spirit. Through these gifts, Holy Spirit gives you power to win people to Christ.

“You will receive power

when the Holy Spirit has come upon you,

and you will be my witnesses

in Jerusalem, in Judea, in Samaria,

and to the ends of the earth”


Whatever your particular gift is, the Lord wants to use it as a ball for sharing the gospel. In the dream, I was outside playing ball. The Lord impressed on me the necessity of stirring up our gifts and taking them outside the church. Spend some time with Jesus. Ask Him to show you what your gift looks like outside the church. Focus your gift on the gospel message. Deliberately take your gift outside the church. Be intentional to use your gift to touch the lost.

"I tell you, open your eyes

and look at the fields!

They are ripe for harvest"

John 4:35.

My prayer: Holy Spirit, help me intentionally interact with people out of the gift You gave me. Help me be an effective witness for Jesus.


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IG: @mountaintop_manna

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