In Numbers 16, the Israelites faced a plague that wiped out 14,700 people*. Moses told Aaron (the High Priest) to take a censer, put incense in it, put fire from the altar in it, and to run into the midst of the people, making atonement for them. Aaron did as he was told. He ran with the fire and incense. He stood between the dead and the living. This is a picture of the power of intercession which means to stand between. Verse 48 tells us that the plague was stayed.
Jesus is our Great High Priest (Hebrews 4:14). Once and for all, He made atonement for our sin, the sin of every man, woman, and child, past, present and future. He bore ALL SIN on Himself as He hung on the cross. All praise, honor, and glory to our Savior!!!
Still, it falls to us as His people to make intercession as Aaron did.
We need to become the censer - the incense & fire carrier.
We need to go to the altar - humbly yet boldly enter God's holy presence.
We need to approach His throne with incense - prayer and worship.
We need to stay in this humble position until supernatural fire from the altar ignites the incense. "Incense" comes from a Hebraic root word which means fumigate or produce smoke to drive out the enemy. I love that!
In the realm of the spirit,
our prayers and worship
combined with supernatural fire
from the altar of heaven
produce smoke
that stops the plague.
The Lord's Prayer is a great way to become the censer. I also strongly believe we need to balance our faith declarations and warfare in this season with the Lord's Prayer.
"Our Father" - Worship Daddy God.
Worship the creator and sustainer of the universe.
Worship the provider, waymaker, healer, and protector.
"Who art in heaven" - Worship the Almighty, all-powerful King
Worship the one Whose footstool is the earth.
Worship Elohim - the Supreme Justice
"Hallowed be thy name" - Worship the name that is above every name. Worship!
"Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven" -
He is establishing His kingdom on the earth. Believe it or not, this virus is causing hearts everywhere to open up to Him. Pray into that.
We are seeing much-needed reformation in government, churches, schools, and families. Pray into those areas. Pray for leaders on every level to have wisdom.
We are seeing the fear of the Lord fall across the land. Pray into that.
We, the Church, are being infused with bigger faith to do the greater works that are necessary for His kingdom to come. Pray into that.
"Give us this day our daily bread" - Don't ask for toilet paper (lol). Ask for something that will make a huge difference. Ask for supernatural fire, supernatural faith, supernatural signs and wonders. Ask for the boldness and fire of the Holy Spirit.
"Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors" - Repent on behalf of your own sins and the sins of the nation. Forgive others, including those who call evil good and good evil (making abortion legal, etc.). Everyone is washing their hands - how about asking for spiritual cleansing, for spiritual renewal on a national level.
"Lead us not into temptation" - Pray against fear and panic on your own behalf, on behalf of your family, and on behalf of our leaders both in government and churches.
"But deliver us from evil" - Ask the Supreme Judge of the universe for a restraining order against this plague. "Let God arise and His enemies be scattered" (Psalm 68:1).
"For thine is the kingdom" - "The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof" (Psalm 24:1).
"And the power" - "Alleluia, for the Lord God omnipotent reigns" (Rev 19:6).
"And the glory" - "The whole earth is full of His glory" (Isaiah 6:3).
"Forever" - He is the Ancient of Days (Dan 7:22). He was, is, and always will be" (Rev 1:8).
"Amen" - So be it according to your Word, Father!
"The earnest prayer
of a righteous person
has great power
and produces wonderful results."
James 5:16 NLT

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