Dream 4.18.21 Sitting inconspicuously in a church service was a very young lady. Apparently, some people knew that she was pregnant out of wedlock and they began to condemn and shame her. I boldly pushed past them and began to prophesy over her and her baby. I knew it was by God's Spirit that she was pregnant.
In another scene, a much older lady and her husband shared that they were pregnant and asked for prayer. They were already grandparents and it seemed remarkable that they should be expecting another child at their age. Some of us gathered around to anoint her with oil and pray for her. The pastor stopped us and said, "Let's bring them in front of the congregation and pray for them." There was an elder who pointed to me and said, "She is not welcome to pray with us. She is a woman and is not an elder."
In spite of this elder's attitude, there was great joy over the new life that seemed to be springing up all around us resulting in tremendous breakthrough and liberty for everyone. End of Dream.
Interpretation: We are in a season that we are going to see young people carrying mighty things for the kingdom of God. To us, they will seem too young and even out of line. But the Holy Spirit has indeed planted a remarkable dream within them that we must embrace, encourage, and make room for. It is not for us to judge their dream. It is our responsibility to put aside preconceived ideas, nurture their dream, and serve them as experienced midwives.
Likewise, the very old, by the power of the Holy Spirit, carry things pertinent and necessary in today's world for kingdom growth and stability. They must not be overlooked. What they carry is vital.
It is so sad that some men still want to keep women down. Others want to keep young people in their place, while others want the elderly to sit down and be quiet. This all stems from jealousy and arrogance. Whether through the young or old, male or female, Holy Spirit is about to move in ways that are out of our comfort zone. I also feel strongly that God will move aside those who stand in the way.
Holy Spirit will bring forth fresh strategies, new insight, and supernatural revelation in almost every area from technology, science, and medicine to economics and politics. Decide now that you will not be a hindrance. Decide that you will embrace, encourage, serve as a midwife, and do whatever is necessary to see these births come to pass.
Make a habit of sitting with Holy Spirit, just tarry in His presence. Don’t' be surprised if you find yourself buying a pregnancy test and thinking "Who am I to carry this for the Most High?" At the very least, He will allow you the privilege of helping another give birth to the dream they carry.
Holy Spirit just impressed on me that we are going to be spending a lot of time in the maternity ward. In the time of lockdown and isolation, many were impregnated with the plans of God. They are now ready to give birth. It's time to PUSH and coach others to PUSH. It's a new day, a day of birthing. God is about to bring forth a new era!
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