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Dream 8/10/2024: A child was making a headband with the word “monster” written on it. I heard the Lord say, “Pour salt heavily.” I grabbed a salt shaker and turned it upside down, pouring salt onto the child, covering him and his surroundings. I prayed into the dream and realized that the monster headband pointed to the mark of the beast.


We all know our children are being targeted. The enemy is coming at them from every direction (abortion, late-term abortion, after-birth abortion, gender confusion, castration, satanic ideologies, …). He is preparing them and our culture to receive the mark of the beast. 


Salt is used to preserve. We must make every effort to preserve this generation of children. They have a huge role to play in the coming revival and world events. That’s why the enemy wants to take them out or at least maim them. I know many are praying and their prayers avail much. Christian school teachers have stayed at their post, sometimes facing severe opposition and persecution. I know people who are involved in child evangelism and others who are leading Bible Clubs in public schools. Christians have joined the local school board to make a difference. You guys are salting the children. Thank you! What else can we do? 


I believe the Lord has shown me another way we can “pour salt heavily.” When the Israelites moved the Ark of the Covenant through the wilderness, Moses declared, “Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered.”  The Ark represented God’s presence, power, and glory. We must carry God’s presence across the wilderness. We must become His Presence, Power, and Glory carriers. We must boldly take Him outside our homes and church, into the streets and the marketplace. To scatter the enemy, we must allow His presence, power, & glory to be obvious in our everyday lives.  


The Ark of the Covenant contained three items and we must take these items across the wilderness of our land:

The 10 Commandments – Stand up for them & make no compromise with culture.         

A golden pot of manna – Always have a fresh, nurturing word from God to share.

Arron’s rod that budded – Speak with authority and speak life. Speak it over the children. Declare that “they will live and not die to declare the Glory of God.”  


Pour Salt Heavily. Carry God’s Presence, Power, and Glory. Promote the 10 Commandments, have a fresh, nurturing word from God, speak with authority, and speak life (life abundant in Christ.) Salt the children. Salt your neighborhood. Salt your city. Salt your state. Salt this nation. Preserve it for God’s purposes in the earth.


David quoted Moses' words “Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered” in Psalm 68. If you read the whole chapter, you will discover that not only was the enemy scattered but the kingdoms of the earth began to sing praises to God when they saw how good He was to His people. That’s worldwide revival! That’s why we must do everything we can to salt & preserve our children and this nation. Pour Salt Heavily! Be an agent of Preservation.


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