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Priceless Heirlooms

Writer: Debbie WeltyDebbie Welty

Vision 1/29/25: I saw a quilt that had been passed down for generations. Some generations embraced it as precious while others viewed it as old-fashioned and worthless. As this vision continued, the Lord showed me the young generation reexamining and starting to appreciate the priceless heirlooms their ancestors left for them. Seeing the beauty and the intricacies, they embraced the once-rejected quilt and held it to their chests as a precious, priceless heirloom.

Spiritual significance: Generational faith must be embraced by each generation. The Lord showed me that many who rejected the faith offered by their parents, considering it old-fashioned and worthless, are now reexamining it. I saw them embracing the once-rejected faith, now holding the gospel of Jesus Christ to their chests like a priceless heirloom.

Prayer for your prodigal:  Holy Spirit, please remind _______ of the sincere (precious, priceless, beautiful) faith - the faith that dwelt first in grandmother and mother and now is available to him/her as well. Let my prayers fan into flames generational faith in _______ life.  Thank you for leading _______ to reexamine, reconsider, and embrace faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ. (Prayer based on 2 Timothy 2:5-6.)


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