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Quality Tips for Prayer Strategy

Vision (August 2024): I saw Q-tips hovering in the air.

God spoke to my heart: Holy Spirit is positioned to clean out ears.

As I prayed into this, I sensed it was not just for believers.


Believers need “ears to hear.” We need the noise and clutter removed. It’s built up like ear wax preventing many from hearing His still small voice. I looked up the history of the Q-tip to discover that the Q stands for quality, quality tips. I asked Holy Spirit what “tip” stands for. He told me tip stands for “strategy.” Wow, do we ever need to hear His quality tips or prayer strategies.


Unbelievers need “ears to hear,” especially ears to hear the gospel.  


Mankind in general: The Lord impresses on me that He is also cleaning out ears in mankind so they can hear and receive the truth relative to the political chatter in our nation.


Our assignment as believers:

1.     We must allow Him to clean out our ears.  Sometimes we make poor choices in what we listen to. This dulls our ability to hear His voice. There is also the situation where we have no choice but to be exposed to things we do not want to hear. Let’s repent and ask Him to clean out our ears.

2.     Listen for His “tips” (strategy) to pray for unbelievers. Let those tips penetrate your ears and bring direction. A strategy that He recently gave me is based on Jeremiah 33:3. I call on Him, asking Him to show unbelievers great and mighty things that they do not know, things that will draw them to Himself.

3.     Pray for unbelievers to have ears to hear His voice. His voice calls to them, “I love you,” “I died for your sins,” “I died to save you,” “I have the plan for your life,” “Come home,” …

4.     Listen for His “tips” (strategy) to pray for mankind in general. He wants to open their ears and push out the lies (ear wax) that have stopped them from hearing truth. Here’s one strategy, pray the Word: “…the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped” (Isaiah 35:5).


“My child, attend to My words;

Incline your ear unto My sayings”

(Proverbs 4:20-22).


“Let him who has ears to hear,

hear what the Spirit is saying…”

(Revelation 2:7). 


Check out my book: The Greatest Romance 

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