Today, it's finally stopped raining. We've had so much rain lately. Personally, I usually don't mind but I don't have small children who are penned up in the house. Neither do I have to go out in it. Others who work out in it, dread another day of getting soaked. Facebook posts reflect that some find the cloudy rainy days depressing.
Several days before the rain started, I had a vision of a water spigot in heaven. It was wide open. Water kept pouring out of it, flooding the earth. I didn't think about rain or flooding in the natural. I thought about God's goodness. About His mercy raining down. Provision. Favor. Healing. Wisdom. Glory. All of it raining down and flooding the earth. I worshipped under the flow of His goodness.

Many times, God does something in the natural to show us what is coming in the realm of the spirit. I believe that He about to move in the earth to such a degree that His mercy and goodness will be undeniable! His mercy is about to flood the earth. We are going to see a major move of repentance and salvation. Following that will be healings & miracles. His children will experience greater favor and be able to break through into areas that have seemed shut up. There is going to be a shuffling and positioning of His people into places of greater influence.
"For the earth will be filled
with the knowledge of
the glory of the Lord
as the waters cover the sea."
Habakkuk 2:14 KJV
"As the waters fill the sea,
the earth will be filled
with an awareness of
the glory of the Lord."
Habakkuk 2:14 NLT
Just as the rain changed the climate in the natural. We are about to see a climate change in the realm of the spirit. But instead of humidity, we will encounter concentrated measures of His mercy, favor, and goodness. Position yourself under the open heavens and let His glory and goodness and overwhelm your life.
The Lord also impressed Joel chapter 2 on me. I often receive things like this, but rarely share them. They seem too big for me. But I feel so strongly that the Lord is speaking, both through the rain and Joel 2.
Verse 1: "Blow a trumpet." My pastor has called for us to pray for the nation. I have heard some say that President Trump is symbolic of the trumpet - a call for God's people to pray.
Verse 2: "darkness, gloominess, clouds" political climate & spiritual climate
Verse 2: "morning" New day dawning.
Verse 2: "strong & great people" His people arising.
Verse 7-9: His people arising to advance the Kingdom.
Verse 12-13: "repent" - opportunity to repent
Verse 15-18: His people fasting, repenting, weeping, praying.
Verse 18-20: The Lord hearing and answering our prayers.
"Fear not, O land;
be glad and rejoice:
for the Lord will do
great things"
Verse 21
Be glad then, ye His children,
rejoice in the Lord:
for He hath given you
the former rain moderately,
and he will cause
to come down for you the rain,
the former rain and the latter rain..."
Verse 23
Verse 25: "restoration"
Verse 28: "pour out His Spirit" Revival on all flesh, good & bad, us and our children.
Verse 30: "signs & wonders"
I admonish you to position yourself for this outpouring. The position is one of humble repentance and prayer.
Let it rain, Father! Rain down your mercy. Flood the earth with your goodness that will lead us to repentance (Romans 2:4). I pray that your people would arise. First, by answering the call to prayer and then by being sent out in the boldness of the Spirit to impact lives with the message and power of the Kingdom. Get the attention of our nation. Let true and humble repentance take place across our land, on a national level, in our churches, in our hearts, in our families. Father, I pray for a mass turning to you across this land. I pray that you would heal our land. Send the rain!!! Send the outpouring of your Spirit on all flesh. Let God arise and His enemies be scattered!
Here in Western North Carolina, the rain actually stopped today. Even though the natural rain has passed, the "spigot" vision has me stirred to pray for that spigot in Heaven to open wide letting His mercy, goodness, and glory flood the earth. Perhaps, you will join me in that prayer.
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