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Red Gym Shorts with a Pocketful of Money

Writer: Debbie WeltyDebbie Welty

Updated: Oct 29, 2019

The title perfectly describes my dream. I'm like, "Yes!" to the money, but I had no desire for the gym shorts. As I sat on the back deck, morning tea in hand, I began to seek the Lord for the message of the dream. Immediately, a song that I heard the day before came up in my spirit.

"I'm gonna see a victory.

I'm gonna see a victory."

It took me a couple of minutes of humming the song and recalling the words, to realize the song and the dream are both speaking the same thing.

This Red Gym Shorts dream is a follow-up to the Orange Trashcan Dream. The message of that dream was to get your dreams out of the trash and pursue them with all your heart. This is the season to harvest your dreams. For more about the Orange Trash Can Dream, follow this link:

The Red Gym Shorts dream points to the personal race that God has for each of us, a path already marked out for each of us, a destiny that we are to focus on and pursue with all our hearts (Jeremiah 29:11). He wants us to win that race. He wants us to see victory.

"As for us,

we have all these great witnesses

who encircle us like clouds.

So we must let go of every wound

that has pierced us

and the sin we so easily fall into.

Then we will be able to run life's marathon race

with passion and determination,

for the path has been already marked out for us"

Hebrews 12:1, Passion Translation

Pursuing your life's dream is not going to be easy. It will be more like running a marathon complete with giant obstacles to get around and overcome. The enemy will see to that.

Three actions that we can take to make the race winnable and achieve our dreams:

1. We must let go of every wound that has pierced us. That means we must forgive the people who have hurt us. Not forgiving is like having an arrow pierce your body. Try running a race with an arrow tip in your body. If you leave the tip there long enough, an infection will form; then fever will weaken you even more. Offense cripples you and releases toxins into your system (spiritually and physically). Carrying an offense gives the enemy an advantage over you. This makes your race very difficult to run and almost impossible to win.

2. The second action we can take is to let go of sin. This can also be translated as "the sin that is ready and waiting to trip you up". "The sin". "The specific sin". The sin that might entangle me will be different from the sin that might entangle you. Be assured that if you have a weakness, a tendency to sin in a certain area, the enemy will make sure the opportunity presents itself. The opportunity will not only be available, but it will also be convenient and seem extremely reasonable. "The sin" will trip us up. It will hinder us from finishing and winning our race. Deal with it. Confess it. Repent of it. Put it behind you.

We now understand the need for spiritual gym shorts, but what's with the pocketful of money? When you win a race, there is a payoff. If you don't win the race by fulfilling the plans God has for you, there is no payoff. I want the payoff! I'm sure you do too.

Why "red" gym shorts. Holy Spirit showed me that red is a serious color and it is often associated with war. This race is a war. It is a serious battle. You are running and fighting for your destiny. The enemy will oppose you every step of the way.

"Fix your eyes on Jesus,

the author and finisher of our faith;

who for the joy set before Him

endured the cross,

despising the shame,

and is set down at the right hand of God"

Hebrews 12:2

Jesus is our example of how to win this life marathon. By focusing on the joy set before Him, He endured the cross and all the shame that came with it. That joy is you, me, all of mankind that He made a way for when He took on our sin and died on that cross in our place. We are that joy. We were His focus. His payoff is us. Having completed His race, He sat down at the right hand of God.

3. The third action we can take to gain an advantage in this race is to focus on Him. He is the author of your race. He determined the plan for your life. He will see that you finish your race. All you have to do is keep your eyes on Him and keep running. Keep pursuing the dreams He put in your heart. Keep running after them. There will be a payoff.

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