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Rich Creamy Butter

Dream 2/16/21: With my hands and fingers I was scooping butter out of a container. I had butter under my fingernails and in the joints of my fingers. It was everywhere and I just kept scooping out more!

My thoughts and prayers come down to basically 3 questions:

Father, why butter?

Lord, why was I using my hands instead of a spoon or a butter knife?

Jesus, what was I going to do with all that butter?

God gave me the interpretation based on 2 verses:

Father, why butter?

"… I washed my steps with butter … " Job 29:6.

The dream points to prosperity. Job was remembering when he was prosperous. His herd would produce so much milk that the milk pails would slosh milk onto his feet, washing his steps. As he continued to carry the pails from the field to his home, the milk got thicker from the sloshing and butter began to spill over washing his feet in butter. There was no lack. Job was prosperous.

Lord, why was I using my hands instead of a spoon or a butter knife?

"The LORD your God will make you abound in all the work of your hand" Deuteronomy 30:9. This verse explains why I was using my hands. If it's for His glory, God will bless whatever we put our hands to.

Jesus, what was I going to do with all that butter? I believe it's for 2 purposes. Prosperity is coming because we have been faithful and He wants to bless us. Secondly, He wants us to sow it into the coming revival and harvest.

I kept this dream to myself for a week thinking that it was specifically for me. This morning the Lord, told me to share it with you.

Be encouraged! God is saying, "Don't stop! Keep putting your hands to the task I have given you."

Butter is coming.

Prosperity is coming.

Harvest is coming.

Revival is coming.


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