Most of you have probably heard about the revival that is taking place in California right now. We praise God big time for this move of His Spirit, for mass salvations, mighty healings, and breakthrough! Hallelujah!
The intercessors and leaders at the church where I attend cry out for this revival to hit our church, our city, and our state. We're pressing in for it, doing everything we know to do welcome the revival fire and wind to North Carolina. Yesterday in one such prayer meeting, I heard the word "SALON".
Jesus is calling His bride into a transforming encounter with His glory. This is not just for individuals. This is for the body of Christ at large. Holy Spirit is about to overwhelm the Church. In some ways, it will be as though we went into a salon. There will be a complete refreshing, rejuvenating, and revitalizing. Corporately we will walk in greater confidence of His love, greater clarity of purpose, greater unity, greater authority, and greater effectiveness for the kingdom of God.
This encounter will include cleaning out of yesterday's ashes so that fresh fire can burn on the altar of our hearts. Many branches of the body of Christ (many individuals as well) are trying to keep yesterday's fire burning. They say, "We have always done this or that. This is how God always uses us/me". God is wanting to do a new thing. Actually, He doesn't just want to do it. He going to do it. Yesterday's ashes must be carried away. We must stop protecting them and making a place for them.
New wineskins must be sought. They are available for those humble enough to cry out for them and those willing to discard the old wineskins. Those willing to embrace a new day, new fire, and the next move of God will experience supernatural transformation. We will see the mighty works of God. A "Not by might, not by power, but by My Spirit" anointing will rest on us like hairspray.
The bride will look different and act different. There will be a supernatural beauty that rests on the Church. It is the beauty of holiness. It is His glory upon us. It's His power flowing through us. The fear of the Lord will return to the Church. As the nations behold her glory, the fear of the Lord will fall on the world.
Jesus will have His bride. She will be without spot or wrinkle. Yes, she will be glorious and the world will marvel.
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Check out Debbie's book: The Greatest Romance.