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Shiny Medals

Writer: Debbie WeltyDebbie Welty

12.21.24 This morning Holy Spirit highlighted “shiny medals” to me. He said, “A season is coming soon, an hour that medals will be awarded. Those who have fought long and hard for the unborn, for the children, for truth & justice, for freedom of speech, and for our nation will be honored with shiny medals. These medals will shine reflecting all the glory onto Jesus.”


The word “shine,” specifically regarding our armor, was highlighted to me. Holy Spirit is admonishing us to make repairs to our armor. We must ask Him what our armor looks like in the realm of the spirit. Is it dull, dented, discolored, or damaged in any way?  We are to take time to sit with Him, allowing Him to restore our armor as well as any wounds we may have suffered in our body, soul, or spirit. He will restore the strength and shine to our armor. He will heal our battle wounds so that we reflect the glory of our victorious King. 


I don’t know what these medals will look like. They will probably be different for each warrior.  Rewards for stamina. Rewards for faith without wavering. Rewards for standing against the grain. Rewards for using your mouth correctly. Rewards for grieving the sins of a nation. Rewards for repenting for the sins of a nation.  


I’m getting the sense that for some these medals will be promotions. For others, the medals will be answers to personal prayers. Many will be awarded a rest with deep encounters of His love washing over them.  Whatever the medals look like, we must give all the glory to Jesus. Cast our crowns at His feet.  


Prepare your heart for this coming season of rewards by sitting with Holy Spirit, allowing Him to heal & restore you spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and even physically.  


I could see a parade of strong healthy warriors, marching for the King, brilliantly shining for Him, ready for their next assignment.  


Shiny medals displayed on shiny armor,

Shining to reflect the goodness, glory, and image of Christ.  


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