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Soaring Eagle

Updated: Nov 19, 2019

Vision: I saw an eagle soaring in the air. Truly majestic.

I ask the Lord what He was showing me?

Wow, it was me! I caught His words. They lifted me up and they carried me into the plans He has for me.

Take Him at His Word. Believe His Word even when the circumstances do not agree.

"God is not a man,

so He does not lie.

He is not human,

so He does not change His mind.

Has He ever spoken and failed to act?

Has He ever promised

and not carried it through?"

Numbers 23:19

Catch His words. They will lift you above your circumstances so that you can make progress in your journey.

"They that wait upon the Lord

shall renew their strength;

they shall mount up with wings as eagles"

Isaiah 40:31

Maybe you're wondering how to catch His words, how to mount up on eagles wings.

"Wait" as a waiter in a restaurant waits on a table.

Linger with Him in His Word.

Linger and listen with a heart of worship.

Meditate on His Word so that it can get in your spirit.

It's one thing to have the Word in your mind. It takes a little more effort to get it in your spirit. Purposefully meditating on His Word and His promises instead of your circumstances, transforms your carnal mind into a spiritual mind. You will find yourself being led by your spirit man instead of your emotions or your reasoning. On the other hand, you will be led by your emotions and reasoning if you stay focused on your circumstances.

"Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth" - Speak the Word, not your circumstances.

"Meditate on His Word day and night" - Focus your thoughts on His Word, not your circumstances.

"So that you may be careful to do everything written in it." - Be obedient to His Word.

"Then you will make your way prosperous and successful." - You make your way prosperous by deciding what to meditate on: His Word or your circumstances.

Joshua 1:8

"Love His Word." - Fall in love with His Word. Ask Holy Spirit to help you fall in love with His Word.

"Meditate in it day and night...You will prosper at whatever you do."

Psalm 1:2&3.

We know that a soaring eagle is actually riding the wind currents. Wind is symbolic of the Holy Spirit. I encourage you to press into the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the supernatural realm of God. The Word without the Holy Spirit will lead you into legalism and religion. The Holy Spirit, without a consistent diet of the Word, will cause you to be emotion and experience-driven. Holy Spirit will enable you to soar for a while but without the foundation of the Word, you will not have the strength to continue for the length of the journey. Think about a baby eagle. Wind currents are all around the baby eagle but if he tried to soar on the wind, he would find that his wings were not strong enough to sustain him. He needs to mature and build strength in his wings. When you combine the Word and the Holy Spirit that's when you'll mount up with eagles' wings. You will run and not grow weary. You will walk and not faint. Holy Spirit is excellent at getting the Word into your spirit. He knows just how to do it - supernaturally!

When His Word gets into your spirit, you will find yourself walking in hope and the divine plans that He has for your life start to unfold before you.

Once the Word is in your spirit,

get ready to soar.

Your faith rises!

Your steps become surer,

doors open,

and God things begin to fall into place.

I'm gonna be looking for you up there in the clouds of glory. I'll be the one who has a book deal. What will you look like? Seriously, I want to know what you will look like.


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