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Spider Webs & Kudzu Vines

Writer: Debbie WeltyDebbie Welty

11.15.24 This week, during a meeting of intercessors, two of us had a vision of spider webs. Many people were caught in them, affecting their ability to think clearly. They were cobwebs of chaos, confusion, fear, condemnation, desperation, anger, frustration, and hopelessness. Lies and offenses got caught in the web. It’s hard to shake free of the webs; they cling.


Another intercessor saw it a little differently. She saw front-liners held in place, paralyzed, and suffocating under strong vines like Kudzu Vines. If you are unfamiliar with Kudzu, it is a fast-growing invasive vine that attaches itself to trees, shrubs, and even grass. The Kudzu vines quickly cover the tree, blocking it from sunlight resulting in a slow death for the tree.


I can relate to both scenarios (being harassed by spider webs and paralyzed by vines). The weeks following Hurricane Helene have been a hard season for many people in this area. Some people have labeled it trauma fatigue. For me, the chaos and frustration became an issue. I couldn’t think clearly. It felt like being double-minded or like brain fog. I especially struggled when trying to connect with God’s voice. That led to entertaining condemnation, asking myself “What’s wrong with me? And “Where did I get off track?


Thank God for the visions of spider webs and paralyzing vines. He showed us that the enemy took advantage of our situation by trapping us like a spider trapping a fly, like Kudzu overtaking a tree. Satan’s intention is always to take us out.


Back to the prayer meeting … As we made intercession regarding the visions, two different women each saw spiritual whirlwinds. They were seeing Holy Spirit like a whirlwind lifting these things (chaos, confusion, fear, condemnation, desperation, anger frustration, hopelessness, lies, offences) off the people.  Holy Spirit is clearing the air of cobwebs sown by the prince of the power of the air.  


One of the intercessors saw Giant Golden Loppers. Knowing they symbolize the Word of God, she picked them up and began to cut away the Kudzu. She spoke life, liberty, and breath over the people of God, especially pastors and leaders.


Praise God, I felt immediate relief and as a result, I began to pray more effectively.  As an intercessor, I sometimes forget that when I find myself under attack, fighting something in the realm of the spirit, it’s bigger than myself. It’s a wake-up call or an alarm to pray for the body of Christ, especially for the pastors and leaders.



  1. If you’re struggling with brain fog, ask for a Holy Spirit whirlwind to clear the air and dispel the spider webs sown by the prince of the power of the air.

  2. If you’re feeling stuck, paralyzed, or like you’re slowly suffocating, pick up the Word of God and speak life, liberty, and breath over yourself.

  3. Consider joining a group of intercessors or ask God for a prayer partner if you don’t already have one.

  4. If you are an intercessor, be ever mindful that the attack you feel personally is probably much bigger than yourself.


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