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Swarming Gnats

Writer: Debbie WeltyDebbie Welty

Fresh Oil - 8/8/22: I had an encounter with the Lord. It was as if He was pouring oil on my head and face. I asked Him why He was pouring oil on my face and head.

He answered, “I am pouring fresh oil over your eyes. It needs to cover your ears, your nose, and your mouth as well. Gnats are swarming. They will irritate your eyes to distort your perspective. They will infest your ears to hinder your ability to hear My voice. They seek to influence your discernment and your speech.”

Understanding: I remember walking to the corner grocery store as a child. There was often a swarm of gnats in one section of the trail. If you were not mindful to go around that section, gnats would swarm your head sending you running in a panic. There I would go in any and all directions, frantically trying to bat away the gnats with my hands. They would get tangled in my hair. So, aggravating!

However, in this encounter with the Lord, gnats refer to demons. Their assignment is to bring confusion and deception. They are on assignment to swarm in overwhelming numbers. They want to get tangled in your thinking. They want you to panic or react in fear to their message. The only way to avoid their influence is to seek out a fresh anointing, fresh oil for your eyes, ears, nose, & mouth. It is available. You need only sit with the Lord, ask Him to pour fresh oil on your head and face, and then wait for it.

Supporting Verses:

But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of a unicorn:

I shall be anointed with fresh oil (Psalm 92:10 KJV).

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over (Psalm 23:5 NKJV).

Head Butting Sheep: This link describes why shepherds apply oil to their sheep’s eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. It’s not surprising that the oil is necessary to combat pests that swarm around the sheep’s head. What I did find interesting is that sheep do lots of head butting which spreads parasites from one sheep to another through unprotected eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. Here’s a thought - Do not engage in head-butting! Selah.


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