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Blog: Blog2

The Family Tree

Updated: Feb 17, 2020

I am still reading through the "begats" (sigh!). Holy Spirit prompted me to provide a scriptural example of a person dealing with generational issues.

Song of Solomon 3 is that example. The book is a metaphor of the spiritual romance between Jesus and His bride. His bride is you, or me, or the whole body of Christ.

Chapter 2 ends with the bride enjoying intimacy with her bridegroom and declaring that they belong to each other (verse 16).

However, as chapter 3 begins, the scene changes from one of possession, oneness, and intimacy to a night scene where the bride is alone in bed.

"By night on my bed

I sought Him whom my soul loves:

I sought Him but I could not find Him."

SOS 3:1

What happened to their intimacy? She is so lonely without Him. In desperation, she actually goes searching for Him (verses 2&3). She eventually finds Him after consulting the watchmen (prophets).

"... I found Him whom my soul loves,

I held Him and would not let Him go,

until I brought Him into my mother's house,

and to the chamber of her that conceived me."

SOS 3:4

She brought him to the room where her mother conceived her. This seems like a strange thing to do, but she was desperate to get to the root of the problem that interrupted their intimacy.

Generational issues will hinder

your intimacy with Jesus

and with your heavenly Father.

Many times, your struggle, trial, sickness, depression, oppression, or

the night season of your life

will repeat itself until

you take Jesus to your mother's house even to the room and time of your conception. This is talking about dealing with generational sins and curses.

“The Lord is long-suffering,

and of great mercy,

forgiving iniquity and transgression,

and by no means clearing the guilty,

visiting the iniquity of the fathers

upon the children unto

the third and fourth generation”

(Numbers 14:18).

In prayer, bring Jesus to your ancestors - both your mother's side and your father's side all the way back to the fourth generation. When you prayerfully consider their lives, ask Jesus to reveal any repetition of issues such as sin, failure, illness, poverty...

Confess that the issue exists, repent of the generational sin, renounce it, and in the name of and by the blood of Jesus break that cycle off yourself and that of your offspring. Ask God to do a work of mercy in your life by completely delivering you or healing you of the issue.

Even the circumstances of your conception and your time in the womb bear weight on who you are and your spiritual struggles. The Word tells us that He knew us when we were in the womb (Psalm 139:13). Take Him there (metaphorically and in prayer) and ask Him who you are? Ask Him to restore that person, so that His plans for you (Jeremiah 29:11) can come to pass.

Do not neglect this in your spiritual journey. The Word says add precept upon precept. Do not leave this one out. Take Him to your mother's house. It is important and necessary!

My rendition of Song of Solomon 4:

"I found my Love.

I held Him, and would not let Him go,

Until He and I dealt thoroughly

with my generational issues,

Even the circumstances of my conception."

In verse 5, we find that their intimacy was completely restored.


A scriptural example of generational faith is found in 2 Timothy 1:5 (from grandmother, to mother, to Timothy).

A scriptural example of generational sin patterns can be found in David's life.

In 2 Samuel 11:2, David commits adultery with Bathsheba. His son, Amnon, commits incest with his sister (2 Samuel 13:14). Sexual sin repeated itself.

In 2 Samuel 11:14-17, David has Bathsheba's husband kill. His son, Absalom, has his brother, Amnon, killed for what he did to their sister (2 Samuel 13:28 & 29). Murder provoked by sexual sin repeated itself. Like father, like son.


Regarding the generational sins & curses of our ancestors, there is hope for our families. It's in Jesus! Freedom is only a prayer away. Praise God!!

"Christ has redeemed us

from the curse of the law,

being made a curse for us:

for it is written,

'Cursed is every one

that hangs upon a tree':

That the blessings of Abraham might

come on us through Jesus Christ;

that we might receive the promise

of the Spirit through faith."

Galatians 3:13&14

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