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Blog: Blog2

The First Lady

Writer: Debbie WeltyDebbie Welty

Vision: I saw our elegant First Lady bowing before God in worship and prayer. The glory and beauty of God seemed to surround her. It was a holy moment and had the full attention of the Most-High.

As I prayed for our First Lady, our President, and our nation, the Lord impressed on me that the vision is a picture of the Bride of Christ bowed in worship and prayer on behalf of this nation. It's the church answering the call to pray:

"If my people,

who are called by my name,

will humble themselves

and pray and seek my face

and turn from their wicked ways,

then I will hear from heaven,

and I will forgive their sin

and will heal their land."

1 Chronicles 7:14

Daniel prayed such a prayer in Daniel 9. Because of the desolation of Jerusalem, He humbly set His face to seek God for mercy (verse 3, 4). He approached God with reverential worship (verse 4). In verse 5 and for the next 14 verses, he confessed the sins of the nation and identified with those sins in a personal way. He acknowledges the shame, confusion, curses, and great evil that had come upon the land and the people because of their wickedness. He ended his prayer by worshiping the righteous and merciful God who grants favor when none is due. There is a link to this powerful prayer at the bottom of this blog*.

God impressed on me the importance that His people realize and take advantage of their dual citizenship. We are citizens of the earth (the USA specifically) but we are also IN CHRIST which makes us citizens of heaven (Col 1:2), and as such we are seated in heavenly places with Christ (Eph 2:6). This positions us as heavenly ambassadors to the earth and as earthy ambassadors in the heavens. This dual citizenship is a position of authority that comes with great responsibility. A responsibility to stand with Christ on every issue. No compromise, no excuses, no wishy-washyness! We must answer the call of 1 Chronicles 7:14! It's our responsibility and privilege.

Consider the First Lady's position. She has the President's ear. We have the ear of the King of kings. We are the Bride of Christ, the First Lady. When we seek His face, humbly worship and repent of our sins on a national level, He hears!!! He takes notice. He surrounds us with His glory and beauty and this changes our landscape.

More people are bowing on behalf of the nation every day. I'm full of anticipation at what God is going to do. I believe that we about to experience a great revival across our land, a revival that does more than impact the church. This revival will bring healing to the land. Righteousness and the fear of the Lord will be restored to the USA. Join the humble army.



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