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The SCRABBLE Solution

Writer: Debbie WeltyDebbie Welty

All around me I am watching front-liners (pastors, intercessors, worship leaders, etc.) endure attacks from the enemy. My observation shows the enemy often attacks them by going after their loved ones. The battle many front-liners face is fierce. I've been praying into this and seriously seeking the Lord for a solution to these assaults. He gave me a dream.

Dream (1/18/2022): I was playing SCRABBLE (the game where you take randomly drawn letter tiles and make a word with them). It must have been nearing the end of the game because I had only 6 tiles to work with. R B O P T M

In real life, I love playing SCRABBLE and I play it often. So, when I woke up, I thought about the letters and made the word: TROMP. I was sad that I could not use all 6 letters and might be stuck with the letter B. I reasoned that if my opponent did not go out, there were many places where I could play the letter B in front of an E to make the word BE.

My dreams are very often messages from God and I love those messages way more than SCRABBLE. So, I sought the Lord for the message of the dream. He said, "This is the solution you are seeking. Meet the attack of the enemy with a TROMP, a defiant stomp! Trample him, Tread on Him."

Two verses came to mind:

"I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you" (Luke 10:19 NIV). The KJV reads "tread".

"…Be excellent at what is good, be innocent of evil; and the God of peace will soon crush Satan underneath your feet". (Romans 16:19&20).

I asked the Lord what the letter B was for? "If this dream is from You, Father, why did I also have a B?" Was there a word I could have made using all the letters? Or maybe (I thought) the B is simply for Bible. He said, "B is for BE like you thought it was.

BE excellent at what is good.

BE innocent of evil.

B is for Believe and keep on Believing.

Believe in the word (RHEMA word) I gave you and stand firm on it.

My RHEMA words are TROMP and BE. In Essence: Be stubborn in warfare.

I pondered why I had only 6 letters instead of 7? If I had the letters to make the word TRAMPLE, that would be 7 letters and fit the verse (Luke 10;19) perfectly. I tried to reason with God, "Why TROMP instead of TRAMPLE? Why 6 instead of 7?"

I refreshed my memory regarding the meanings of the numbers 6 & 7.

7 is perfection. 7 points to God. 6 points to man. On the 6th day God created man in His image. Man falls short of perfection. He is 6, not 7. He is man, not God.

The Solution:

Man's part, my part is to TROMP and to BE (put your RHEMA word there).

God's part is to crush Satan under my feet.

In my dream, the game was nearing the end. Be encouraged - the game is almost over. Just keep doing your part.

The SCRABBLE Solution: Get a RHEMA word. Lean into, declare, and believe your RHEMA word. God will do the rest.


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