I had a vision of a twisted belt. God showed me that many (even many Christians) have a twisted belt of truth. They have believed lies and their belts have become twisted. Some have believed lie upon lie resulting in a very twisted outlook. Some people have stretched their belts way out of shape trying to integrate the worldview.
I thought of a passage in Jeremiah. God instructed the prophet to buy and wear a linen belt. He was not to expose it to water. After wearing the belt for a while, Jeremiah was instructed to hide it in a crevice in the rocks near the river. Sometime later, God told Jeremiah to retrieve the belt. Jeremiah found the belt and discovered it was useless. It had been ruined by exposer to the ebb and flow of river water among the rocks. When the water retreated from the rocks, the belt was exposed to the sun. Exposure to the elements of water and sun caused the linen fabric to break down and rot, rendering the belt useless.
The river water represents anything that tries to dilute the truth. When we allow anything other than the Word of God to become or influence our truth, we expose our belt to earthly elements of corruption.
The river rocks remind me of the parable of the sower. Seed that fell on rocky ground sprang up quickly because the soil was shallow. However, the seed just as quickly withered from exposure to the sun. We need to guard our exposure to worldly outlooks.
The twisting, distorting, and stretching of truth is not a small thing. When Jeremiah retrieved the ruined belt, the Lord gave him a prophetic word. This is my paraphrase:
Because of pride, people refused to listen to My word and truth.
They were stubborn in their hearts and led into idolatry.
I will ruin their pride.
This tells me a humbling is coming, both for those twisting the truth and for those who believe the lies. I encourage you to do a personal belt-of-truth inspection. Ask Holy Spirit to show you if your belt has become twisted or stretched out. Respond to what He shows you.
For me, this vision of the twisted belt became a tool for intercession. "Father, make them uncomfortable in their twisted and stretched-out belts. May they begin to search for truth. May they hunger for Your Word. May they truly find You, Jesus."
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