On 1/9/21, a dear friend of mine had a vision. Sue Hopkins' vision:
She saw the Lord in the act of putting His foot down. As in, "That's enough! I'll not put up with any more of this." She knew His foot was coming down on this nation in judgment of the corruption and moral compromise in high places of government. She wondered how she would not be squished under His weighty judgment. She lifted her arms and hands up in prayer. Jesus reached down, took hold of her outstretched hand, pulled her up, and set her down on top of His foot just as the full weight of it hit the earth.
Reach up NOW! He wants to show mercy to all who will repent and cry out to Him for it. Humble yourself and reach up.
As I pondered and prayed about Sue's vision, several thoughts struck me. Those of us who are humbly reaching up will not only be spared from the weight of the coming judgment. We also become part of the judgment. The ecclesia will be on the top of His foot, and therefore, part of the weight placed on this nation. We, the ecclesia, are to hold the nation to the standard of the Word. No more compromise. We need to take the strongest stand for righteousness that we ever have.
Get ready Church!
God is about to use us to bring about change as He brings His weighty foot down.
Thank you, Sue Hopkins, for sharing your vision with us!
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Email: debbieywelty@yahoo.com
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