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Vision: Healing Waters Stirring

I had a vision at our weekly intercessory prayer meeting. 

VISION 1/30/24:  I saw a pond in the middle of the prayer room. Our feet stepped into the pond and stirred the water whenever we prayed healing over someone. Our agreement had the water moving quite vigorously.


As I thought about what I was seeing, I remembered the pool of Bethesda where at certain seasons an angel would "trouble" the water. The first person to get in the water was healed.


I also thought about how our prayers create assignments for the angels. Check out Hebrews 1:13-14 and Psalm 103:20-21.  I’m not saying that we order angels around but when we pray, decreeing God’s word and His will, angels are activated to fulfill His word and His will.


Our feet - our faith was stirring the healing water.

Our prayers of faith released angels to stir the healing water.


At our church, we have seen multiple breakthroughs and healings lately. This is largely because our pastor has been stirring the healing water with faith teachings that give people an opportunity to believe and receive their healing. His messages have created assignments for the angels to stir the healing water.


I do not believe this is an isolated incident. I believe this is a “certain season” of the healing waters stirring. The Ekklesia has entered a season of supernatural healings and miracles.  All we need to do is step into it. Step into faith. Stir the water.  Release angels to trouble the water.


The Greek word for "trouble" means to stir, to trouble, to cause to move.

The result is moving water as in “living water”. Stirring, moving, living water points to the Holy Spirit. Jude & Timothy admonish us to keep our faith stirred up.

Father wants to heal us. Let’s partner with Him. 

Jesus already secured our healing.  Let’s honor Him by receiving it.

Holy Spirit has equipped us with living water. Let's stir it, trouble it, and put a demand on it.


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