When I had this vision I was praying, asking Father for something to share with you. I saw a bell and heard the word "bell" at the same time. This vision only lasted for a second and then it was gone. I asked the Lord what He was saying? After waiting and listening for a while, I began to wonder if I imagined it. The Holy Spirit showed me how ridiculous that would be for my mind to imagine a bell and hear the word "bell" at the same time. I felt impressed to search the scriptures for the word "bell".
Exodus contains the first mention of bells in scripture (28:33-35 and 39:25-26). These were tiny gold bells that were attached to the hem of the high priest's garment. He was to wear this garment when he entered the Holy Place. The bells could be heard when he entered and exited the Holy Place.
I finally googled: What do bells symbolize? They symbolize the voice of God.
I was not convinced with google's answer, so I studied to find out if this was true. I studied in Exodus, especially Exodus 25:10-22.
Brief overview: The Holy Place contained the Mercy Seat and the Ark of the Covenant. The Mercy Seat was the cover or top of the Ark of the Covenant. At each end of the Mercy Seat was a cherubim. They faced each other and their wings covered the Mercy Seat. The Ark of the Covenant symbolized God's presence. It held three things inside: the Ten Commandments, a pot of manna, and Aaron's rod that budded.
When my studies brought me to Exodus 25:22, true understanding of the "bell - the voice of God" began to dawn on me.
"There, above the cover
between the two cherubim
that are over the
ark of the covenant,
I will meet with you..."
Exodus 25:22 (NIV)
"...I will commune with you..."
Exodus 25:22 KJV
"...I will meet you,
to speak to you..."
Exodus 29:42
"Ring, ring, ring". The bell went off! Understanding dawned! The bell does symbolizes God's voice, His presence, and His glory.
Contrasting the old and new covenants:
The high priest entered the Holy Place with incense, which is symbolic of worship.
We enter God's presence with worship.
As he entered, the priest sprinkled blood from a sacrificial lamb to make atonement for sin. Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Hallelujah to the Lamb of God. I'm so thankful for You, Jesus.
To enter the Holy Place, the priest had to wear a special garment which included bells.
Jesus provided the robe of righteousness.
Under the new covenant, Jesus Christ is the Mercy Seat, the throne of grace.
That's when I heard Holy Spirit say that we are entering into a new season. It is the season of the golden bell. It is a season that many will start to hear the voice of God and experience His presence and His glory in a greater degree. It is a season that believers and unbelievers will see more of the supernatural, miraculous acts of God.
My response: Wow! Thank you, Father for the season of the golden bell. Thank you for ears that hear Your voice. Thank you for taking us to deeper levels of Your presence and glory. Our hearts are to see You glorified and Your kingdom come. Thank you for letting us partner with You to release Your supernatural, miraculous works. May these works draw people to You.
I thought about the items inside the Ark of the Covenant:
The Ten Commandments - Those listening for His voice dare not disregard what He has already said.
The pot of manna - This speaks of provision but also of a fresh word from God.
Aaron's rod that budded - This speaks of the supernatural, miraculous acts of God.
When we share the voice of God (what God is saying), we must do so in love. If love is not our true motivation, the "bell" sounds like sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal.
In the natural, a ringing bell gets your attention. A person will usually turn their face in the direction the ringing is coming from. Imagine people hearing God's voice and turning their lives toward Him.
I'm in absolute awe of Him! His voice changes everything!! It's truly a privilege to hear it!!!
The season of the Bell.
The season of His voice,
presence and glory.
The season of miracles.
The season of people turning
to hear His voice.
To read more blogs by Debbie Welty, go to https://www.debbiewelty-blog.com/blog
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