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Vision: The White Satin Runner

Writer: Debbie WeltyDebbie Welty

Recently, while at a prayer meeting, I had the following vision:

I saw the white satin runner that the bride walks on at her wedding. This runner was not in a church. It was on the earth. The runner was so long that I could not see where it ended.

I saw the bride step out of hiding, into the spotlight, and unto the runner. She was many people. Male and female individuals all arrayed in brilliant, almost luminescent white. As she proceeded slowly down the runner, all eyes were on her.

ALL EYES were on the bride.

ALL EYES were wide open and on the bride.

Some mocked her. Many hated her.

But, ALL EYES were on her.

Others wanted to join her. They stepped out onto the runner with her. Immediately, they were transformed in appearance. They too were arrayed in luminescent, glorious white. The number of people stepping out onto the runner grew and grew. It looked like a single bride with a very long glorious train.

ALL EYES were on the bride as she slowly walked down the runner.


I believe the Lord is speaking to us in this vision. It is time for His bride to step into the spotlight. No more hiding in a back room. Step up and step out. Take a stand for righteousness. Dare to stand out in righteousness for the unborn, for children, for the Word of God, for integrity, for purity, for morality, for truth. No more being timid and hiding in the background. Step out! When facing Goliath, David's brothers were hiding in holes. Step out, take a stand, and trust God! Some will mock you. Many will hate you. Others will join you in your stand.

The world is looking to the church to step up and take a stand. Their eyes are on us to see if we will cower and compromise; or will we walk out our convictions.

This vision also points to the great harvest that will happen before the rapture. Be an example for people to follow. Step out in your faith. Dare to stand out in your convictions! Others will follow you.

"His bride has made herself ready"

Revelation 19:7.


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