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Welty Thanksgiving Gathering 2019

Writer: Debbie WeltyDebbie Welty

Updated: Feb 17, 2020

The week prior to Thanksgiving I was up to my elbows in preparations. Not only was I hosting the main meal but housing two (out of 3) of my grown children, along with their spouses and two of my six grandchildren. With great-grandma and great-grandpa, that brought my count to 10 people. Not as large as some gatherings but large enough for my home. If everyone could have come, I truly do not know where we would have put them. But, we did miss you, Chris, Alissa, Jay, Erin, Wyatt, and Nora!

Along with all the work, lots and lots of prayers went up during prep week. Thankful prayers for every member of my family and the special place they hold in my heart. I prayed for those who could attend and those who were not able to. I prayed that our family time would be blessed with laughter and love. That joy and peace would be in every heart. That Jesus would always be the center of our world.

We truly had a blessed time together. The last of them left on Saturday morning. Left me with laundry (2 full loads of towels & 2 full loads of sheets), a disheveled house, and a

very full heart. By late Saturday afternoon, my husband and I had the laundry done and the house restored (Thank you, Brent!). When everything was finally done, I found my heart was still full. I contemplated why I felt so blessed. Of course, the reasons are obvious, but I felt that there was something more that Father wanted to show me. As I listened for His voice, this verse came to my spirit:

"Surely goodness and mercy

will follow me all the days of my life"

Psalm 23:6

It took a few minutes for understanding to come. Then it hit me: Goodness and mercy were multiplied by every person around my table. There were 10 believers at our Thanksgiving gathering. That's 10 X the goodness of God. That's 10 X His mercy. We thought the mashed potato bowl was heaped up. Dessert was running out of our ears. There is not a bowl large enough to hold all the dressing (stuffing) I made ( a recipe past down from my mom and loved by all!). Turkey and plenty of it was provided by the great-grandparents. Two kinds of rolls. Of course, we had gravy to hold it all together. There was food everywhere: green beans almondine, butternut squash casserole, cranberry sauce, etc.

When I realized what was actually heaped up, pressed down and shaken together was not the food or the laundry, but God's goodness and mercy, thankful tears flowed. How blessed we are to know the Savior's love! He really has filled our lives with good things.

"He fills my life with good things"

Psalm 103:5 (TLB).

The only disappointing thing about our gathering this year was that I didn't slow down long enough to capture more memories by taking pictures. The first pic is of Carlyle and Jase, the oldest Welty and the youngest Welty (84 years versus 4.5 months). In the middle is 3-year-old Addalyn with her great-grandparents, Carlyle and Freida. Last, Jase and Addy in front of their Christmas tree. What a blessing family is!

Perhaps your Thanksgiving was very different from mine. Let me encourage you that He still wants to fill your life with good things. Maybe sit down and make a list of everything you can be thankful for.

My prayer is that you will discover

His goodness and His mercy are with you.


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