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What Are You Pairing With?

Updated: Jan 12, 2021

Dream: I was receiving reports from a foreign reporter. These reports came at 14 and 28-minute intervals. When they were coming in, I would hear the word "pairing" like I hear when I get in the car and my cell phone pairs up with the vehicle's "Sync" system. I had a dual antenna over my head and a receiver around my waist. End of dream.

When I awoke, Holy Spirit immediately brought the armor of God to my mind. "Pairing" is being linked with the Holy Spirit. The armor of God worn properly "pairs" us to receive updates of truth. The belt of truth is the supernatural receiver that delivers truth from heaven directly to your spirit man. The dual antenna symbolizes the shield of faith and the sword of the spirit. Both must be lifted up high above our heads or minds. These truth reports came at 14 and 28-minute intervals. Both numbers are multiples of 7 which points to divine perfection. "Minutes" combined with multiples of 7 points to perfectly divine timing. If your belt of truth is "paired" with Holy Spirit, you will get the necessary updates exactly when you need them. Every piece of the armor of God takes its orders from the belt of truth.

With all the chaos in the media and in the headlines, it's hard and almost impossible to know what is really the truth. It's imperative that we armor up. The Bible warns us that in the last days many will be deceived and fall away. Get "paired" up with the blood of Jesus and the now-word of God so that you are receiving updates directly from Him - the truth from His perspective.

"But the Spirit explicitly says

that in later times

some will fall away from the faith,

paying attention to deceitful spirits

and doctrines of demons"

(1 Timothy 4:1).

How can we avoid being deceived? Armor up. Stay in the Word. Believe manna over media. Pray with your understanding and with the spirit.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

And lean not on your own understanding;

In all your ways acknowledge Him,

And He shall direct your paths"

Proverbs 3:5-6.

Interesting side note: Until I asked my husband, I did not know if dual antennae were a real thing and if they were a separate component from the receiver. He said, "That's absolutely the way it works for the best reception." Even when you have limited knowledge, God will speak and order your steps. We must get beyond the place where we have to understand everything.

TRUST God, His Word, and His heart.

He is faithful.

Click here to read my blog about how to put on the armor of God and walk in victory.


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