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What Do You See?

Writer: Debbie WeltyDebbie Welty

While having lunch with the intercessory prayer ladies from my church, I felt impressed by the Holy Spirit to declare, "God wants to give us double vision." Along with the ability to see in the natural, He wants to give us the supernatural ability to see in the realm of the spirit. Of course, we all leaned to that.

A few nights later I had a dream.

Dream: I found 3 white handkerchiefs in a pile of my clean laundry.

I use a handkerchief to clean my eyeglasses daily. I launder it weekly. Since I use the same handkerchief every day for a week, I asked the Lord to show me why there were 3 handkerchiefs in my clean laundry. It's because this dream applies to seeing in the realm of the spirit. Clean spiritual lenses are necessary to see in the realm of the spirit. The number 3 points to the Trinity: God, the Father, God, the Son, and God, the Holy Spirit. I prayed for more revelation and understanding. Then, I went to the Word.

In Revelation 3:18, Jesus counsels us: "Anoint your eyes with eyesalve, that you may see".

Greek word meanings:

  • anoint - rub in until absorbed; consecrate for Divine purposes; under the influence of the Holy Spirit

  • eyes - eyes of the mind; faculty of knowing

  • eyesalve - comes from a root word meaning glue

  • see - discern, to see with the mind's eye, understand

After completing the above word study, I saw 3 steps (3 handkerchiefs) to spiritually clean lenses:

  1. Consecrate (formally decree and dedicate) your vision to God for His Divine purposes.

  2. Yield to the anointing of the Holy Spirit. A great way to yield is by praying in tongues.

  3. Fix (glue) your eyes on Jesus (Hebrews 12:2).

Repentance will be needed at each and every step.

Repent to God for putting unclean things before your eyes.

Repent to the Holy Spirit for not yielding your members to Him.

Repent to Jesus for getting your eyes on circumstances.

The result is to "see" (discern, to see with the mind's eye, see in the realm of the spirit, understand and perceive what is not apparent to the natural eye). Soon we will be like Jeremiah to whom the Lord said (more than once), "What do you see, Jeremiah?"


The Greatest Romance

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  • Your true value

  • Freedom from generational issues

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  • The true purpose of The Song of Solomon

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