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Blog: Blog2

What's That Smell?

Writer: Debbie WeltyDebbie Welty

Did you know that your spirit has a scent or fragrance and that the Lord can smell it?

Song of Solomon 4:14 tells about one of the scents that may or may not come from your spirit. In verses 12-15, the bridegroom (that's our Jesus) is describing her garden (that's our spirit). We have all kinds of things in our spirit. Each plant listed in SOS 4 represents a truth about lovers of Jesus, about our spirit. I'm only going to go into one of the plants mentioned. "Saffron" -- you will find it in verse 14.

"Saffron is an iridaceous plant with a distinct fragrance and flavor. Iridaceous means “having colors like a rainbow.” This plant is very colorful, featuring a range of oranges and yellows. Rainbows symbolize God’s promises, as in the story of Noah’s Ark when God put the rainbow in the sky as a promise that He would never again flood the whole earth. If you have this plant in your garden or spirit, then you’ve been soaking in His promises to the degree that now you smell like the promises themselves" (Excerpt from my book The Greatest Romance, which will be released for purchase soon).

Time Warp

It's hard to put into words what the Lord is speaking to my spirit.

It feels like I've been in a time warp for quite a few years. In this time warp everything moves in slow motion. I get the sense that I am coming to the end of the time warp and that things are about to accelerate. Things regarding my destiny, things that God spoke to my heart years ago are going to be in my path as I come out of this time warp. It's like I will be going so fast that I will just collide with them.

I'm a faith person. Through the time warp years, I have held on to His promises and the words He has spoken to me even though they seemed to be improbable and sometimes impossible. This is one of my favorite scriptures to meditate on:

"Not a word failed

of any good thing

which the Lord had spoken

to the house of Israel.

All came to pass."

Joshua 21:45 NKJV

I share all this to encourage you to soak in His promises, especially the ones that He spoke to your heart. Think about a concubine that had to go through 12 months of purification by soaking in spices and ointments to prepare her for the king (Esther 2:12). Think of your time warp as a bubble bath, an opportunity to soak in His promises. When you smell just right, the king will call for you and fulfill the promises He made to you.

Recently, I heard the Lord say,

"You smell like my promises".

What does the Lord smell when He walks through your garden/spirit? When you smell just right, you will hear the Lord say, "It is about to happen. Hold on, you're about to be like a projectile thrown into your destiny, into My plans for you, into a journey with Me and Holy Spirit to carry My heart to the masses."

Until then, let's keep soaking in His promises.


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IG: @mountaintop_manna



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