Prophetic Dream: A woman was frantically searching for her purse. She was looking all over for it. Then she saw it on her very messy bed. She was struggling to reach it. For some reason, it was out of reach. After considerable straining, she was able to grab hold of it. Immediately, she began to dig through it, even dumping out the contents, but she could not seem to find what she was looking for.
After some prayer, Father impressed the following on me:
Many women (and men too) are struggling with their identity. They don't really know who they are or what their life is truly about. They are searching to know what their purpose is. There is frustration because it seems like these answers are out of reach and unfindable.
It's interesting that the answers to these questions (her identification papers) were on her bed. My favorite book of the Bible is Song of Solomon. It is an allegory of the intimate relationship we can have with Jesus. The bridegroom in the book symbolizes Jesus, while the bride symbolizes His church as well as every individual He died for (male & female). There are many bedroom scenes in the book. Intimate bedroom scenes.
"The king brought me into His (bed) chambers" (Song of Solomon 1:4).
"He will lie between my breasts all night" (Song of Solomon 1:13).
"His left hand is under my head, His right-hand embraces me. I charge you,..., do not stir up or awake my love, till He please." (Song of Solomon 2:6-7; 8:3-4).
"By night on my bed, I sought Him whom my soul loves" (Song Of Solomon 3:1).
"Behold His bed" (Song of Solomon 3:7).
"Thou hast ravished my heart,...thou hast ravished my heart..." (Song of Solomon 4:9).
"His mouth is most sweet" (Song of Solomon 5:16).
"I am my beloved's and He is mine" (Song of Solomon 6:3).
"I am my beloved's and His desire is towards me" (Song of Solomon 7:10).
"There I will give You my love" (Song of Solomon 7:12).
I believe the dream is calling us to step into greater intimacy with Jesus. It is in our intimate times with Jesus that He shows us who we are and what our purpose is. How do you step into intimacy with Jesus? Keep in mind that the intimacy He desires with us and makes available to us is in the realm of the spirit. It is not sexual or physical. It is spiritual and begins with worship.
"True worshipers
worship in spirit and in truth"
John 4:23
Love on Him in worship, praise, and adoration. Make it personal. Do it in a private, secret place (not just in church). His presence and His love will soon overwhelm you. Doing this regularly will fill you up on the inside. He will instill identity and purpose in you which will give you greater boldness and confidence. You will find yourself walking out His plans.

Resolve to pursue greater intimacy with Jesus.
You will find out who you truly are
as you step into intimacy with Him.
Your greatest identity is as
His bride and lover.
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@slagleju66 You are a blessing, my friend!
Perfect timing. Thanks for sharing.