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Blog: Blog2

Why the Hostility?

Have you noticed the hostility level in the atmosphere? It's like walking through a minefield of hate and offense. One wrong step and a violent explosion of anger assaults you. What's the root cause of this hostility?

Jesus experienced it. In John 15 He warned His disciples they would experience it too. “If the world hates you, know that it hated Me before it hated you." In verses 22 & 24, Jesus explains why they hated Him. It was because the words He spoke and the miracles He did uncloaked or exposed their sin. Here's the truth:

Sin exposed

but not repented of

births offense, anger, and hate.

Our righteous walk convicts them of sin. Our morality exposes their sin. They love their sin. Immediate indignation arises, "How dare you walk in a manner contrary to the world's view!!"

How are we to respond? The temptation is to take the attacks personally and to strike back in anger. We know we have to keep walking in truth and in love. But seriously how do we do that in the face of such anger and hostility? Jesus gave us the answer (still in John15). It's the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth. We cannot walk this walk of integrity and

morality in love without the Helper, the Spirit of Truth.

"They hated Me without a cause.’

“But when the Helper comes,

whom I shall send to you from the Father,

the Spirit of truth

who proceeds from the Father,

He will testify of Me.

And you also will bear witness..."

The answer is found in the person of the Holy Spirit. He is the Comforter, the Helper, the Spirit of Truth. We cannot walk this walk of integrity and morality in love without Comfort and Help from the Spirit of Truth. If we try to do it in our own strength, we will fall into legalism and pride.

Holy Spirit will be a Comforter to us when we are misunderstood and attacked. He will be our Helper and literally help us walk in love and truth simultaneously. One of His names is the Spirit of Truth. Chapter 16 explains what the Spirit of Truth accomplishes in this world. It says:

"He (The Spirit of Truth) reproves (Greek word meaning: reprimands, rebukes, chastises, castigates, convicts, and convinces) the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment."

It's His job to do those things (reprove, reprimand, rebuke, chastise, castigate, convict, and convince). It's our job to be so full of Him that we demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and self-control.

The Cosmic Battle Rages: They love their sin and choose the works of the flesh. We choose to love God, love truth, and love them. We do this effectively by being full of the Holy Spirit. Join me in seeking a fresh Holy Spirit infiling.

"But you shall receive power

when the Holy Spirit

has come upon you;

and you shall be my witnesses..."

Acts 1:8

A fresh infilling will tip the battle in our favor. I had a vision of a teeter-totter or a seesaw. Picture yourself on the tipping point of the teeter-totter as the battle rages:

good versus evil on opposite ends of the teeter-totter

love versus hate on opposite ends of the teeter-totter

truth versus lies on opposite ends of the teeter-totter

The battle tips every time we are full of the Holy Spirit and step out on the side of righteousness, truth, and love.


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