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Blog: Blog2

Wild Horses, Cowboys, and Nurses

Dream, 7/10/2020: I was interacting with a small horse. This horse was not in a pen or pasture. It was just free and roaming the neighborhood streets. I was trying to get the horse to come with me. I don’t have a sense of where I intended to take it. The horse would not trust me and disappeared back into the streets. I was sad and very concerned for the horse.

As I prayed and ask the Lord about this dream, He showed me the following truths. The roaming horse is symbolic of believers who have chosen to be His but do not want anything to do with the church. They choose to be loners, free to roam, and answer to no one. The horse was small which represents being spiritually malnourished. Since the horse refuses to be penned or pastured, it is constantly looking for nourishment and often eats things that are not good for it or spiritually sound. Refusing the pen has also put this horse in constant danger. Life is a struggle for this horse. In the pen, this horse would be properly fed, protected, groomed, and trained for the Master's service. Outside the pen, it must fend for itself. Other than survival, life has little meaning for this horse.

While praying for these wild horses (independent believers), I had a vision of cowboys with lassos. They were skilled with the lasso and knew how to bring in the strays. They knew how to read the wind before tossing the lasso. Lassos can be prayers, the words we speak, or even our actions. Read the wind, be led by the Spirit, and toss out the lasso. It's time to round up the strays. It's time to gather in the harvest. They are hungry and frightened. Let's gather them in.

I had a second vision. This one was of nurses. These horses did not have any apparent wounds but they had hidden wounds deep in their souls. With supernatural compassion and gentleness, these nurses immediately went into action to treat the wounds by drawing out the poisons and administering truth. The horses were quickly healed. They became strong in the power and might of the Lord.

Saddle up! There's work to do, people. Grab your lasso and don't forget your stethoscope. It's time to round up the strays and bring in the harvest.


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IG: @mountaintop_manna


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