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Blog: Blog2

Your Birthright

Writer: Debbie WeltyDebbie Welty

I heard the Lord say:

“In this season

I am going to bless My faithful people

and bring them into their birthright."

Dream 1/29/23: In a dream, I heard the Lord say, “It’s “so & so’s” birthday” (The Lord said a specific name). Knowing this person’s actual birthday, I replied to the Lord, “But, “so & so’s” birthday was a month ago.” He answered me, “I’m about to bless him like it’s his birthday. In this season I am going to bless him and bring him into his birthright.”

Dream 1/30/23: I had the exact dream again but this time “so & so” was a different person whose birthdate I also know. The dream ended with the Lord saying the same thing. “I’m about to bless him like it’s his birthday. In this season I am going to bless him and bring him into his birthright.”

As I sought the Lord regarding the dreams, I realized that He was telling me this is the season of bringing His faithful people into their birthright in fuller measure than they have experienced to date. The 2 people highlighted in the dream represent those who have been faithful to His call upon their lives even in extremely adverse situations, people who time and time again faced debilitating opposition yet stayed the course.

Like me, you may be wondering what this birthright is, and what it entails. Normally, based on Old Testament tradition, a birthright belongs to the first-born male of a family who will inherit his father’s possessions and authority upon the father's death.

However, as children of God, each believer has a spiritual birthright from his/her heavenly Father. For the faithful, this birthright includes the right to reign with our Father by exercising God’s authority & dominion over the earth. It also includes living in God’s Kingdom realities right here on earth. Kingdom realities like righteousness, peace, & joy. Kingdom realities like favor & victory. Kingdom realities like healing, deliverance, and breakthrough. Kingdom realities like more than enough. Kingdom realities like doing greater works than Jesus did.

In essence, the birthright of the faithful is everything that Jesus secured for us through His suffering, death, burial, and resurrection. EVERYTHING is ours NOW. He died. So, now we inherit His Kingdom. Now, not when we die and go to heaven. Now we inherit His authority to rule and establish His kingdom. It’s up to us to bring the realities of His Kingdom to earth. First, we must lay hold of His Kingdom realities for our own lives and then live in such a way as to draw others into Kingdom living. I also sense the Lord is saying that our birthright inheritance includes every promise He has made to us personally.

2023 is the season of stepping into those promises.

“In this season

I am going to bless My faithful people

and bring them into their birthright

in fuller measure than they have experienced to date."


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